Mr. Pranav Shevkar
(2022 Batch)
It gives me great pleasure to say with pride that I have completed my B. Pharmacy from Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Pharmacy Akurdi Pune. The relationship between faculty and student is very cordial, which gave me an opportunity to excel in my studies. The four years spent here were splendid and has helped me to grow better professionally & personally. It has helped me develop a positive attitude towards my studies and discover more about myself. Teachers are very caring and they make sure every class is educational, interactive and fun. They were there to help us in both the curricular and extra-curricular activities. All the four years was really an unforgettable moment, got good friends and faculty. The labs are well equipped and the campus is very beautiful, one of the best campus you will ever be at. It's because of right guidance and support which I gained from this college along with efforts taken individually helped me in achieving my goals. I would like to thank all the faculty and staff for making me a “Better person"


Ms. Ankita Mashalkar
(2022 Batch)

It gives me great pleasure to say with pride that I have completed my B.Pharmacy from Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Pharmacy Akurdi, Pune. The relationship between faculty and student is very cordial, which gave me an opportunity to excel in my studies. The four years spent here were splendid and have helped me to grow better professionally & personally. I would like to thank all the faculty and staff for making me a “Better Human being”.


Mr. Rohan Kulkarni


It is rightly said that "Life is not about chasing, it's about living". The 4 years in DYPCOP was worth living and cherishing for rest of my life. The immense guidance and support from teachers helped me to groom myself for a better life. The appreciation in the form of trophies and certificates had always boosted me up for working hard and to improve in my academics as well as in my extracurricular activities. The college stood by me in all my thick and thins and made sure I progressed at every step. To be a student of such a great institute gives me dignity and pride. I feel privileged to carry bagful of memories throughout my life. As it is said "real happiness comes at the successful end of a challenging journey"

Mr. Chetan Kumbhar

My three years (direct second year admission from 2007 to 2010) of B.Pharmacy in DYPCOP, Akurdi, Pune were one of my best experiences I ever had. It gave me exposure to various extra-curricular activities along with great academics. It provided all the facilities and encouragement needed to attain high in life. Looking back, I can see my college professors were truly helpful, career oriented, behave as like of friend, and a stepping stone in my career. It allowed me to develop my interpersonal skills, which are extremely important in any field of work.”


Ms. Neelam Danani

Today I would like to take honor to thank Dr D Y Patil college of Pharmacy for giving me a bright future. It has given me the confidence to fulfill my dreams. I feel proud to be student of this phenomenal college. The one superior thing I admire most is the supportive staff. Whenever I had any issues related to my studies my faculty was always there to help me out with it. Besides studies I was always encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities which helped me to improve my communication and interaction skills. I left the college with lot of self confidence, knowledge and beautiful memories.


Mr. Amey Marathe

आधी बीज एकले। बीज अंकुरले रोप वाढले।।

२००४ ते २००९ अशी ४ वर्ष मी पद्मश्री डॉ डी वाय पाटील कॉलेज ऑफ फार्मसी मधुन बी. फार्म केलं. तो  कॉलेजसाठी संक्रमणाचा काळ होता. पिंपरीहुन आकुर्डीला प्रशस्त इमारतीमधे कॉलेज आल्यावर कॉलेजच्या प्रगतीने गती घेतली. आज पदवी आणि पदव्युत्तर अशा दोन्ही प्रकारचं शिक्षण विद्यार्थी इथे घेत आहेत. आजी माजी विद्यार्थी आणि प्राध्यापक सर्वांच्या पर्यत्नाने, मेहनतीने आणि सहकार्याने कॉलेजचं नाव उज्ज्वल करूया. सर्वांना माझ्या शुभेच्छा.